Sunday, September 23, 2007

Red Roses Remind Us

Red Roses Remind Us

Roses are Red
To honor the dead
Reminding us all
of the lies we've been fed

Children lose parents
Parents lose kids
For the sake of our country
Our Government forbids

The images of caskets
draped, 13 stripes of Red
We can't see bombs either
or a dismembered leg

Yet sisters and brothers
Uncles and Aunts
Grandparents and cousins
grieving all chant

enough of the dying!
enough of the dead!
Stop the madness that's
painting our world in Red.

You started with lies
and create your own news
An endless war screamed
at by pinks in vivid hues

Fascists are winning
with each right, taken away
nine of ten benchmarks!
Our democracy's in decay

But people are waking up now
The Red rose reminds us of your lies
The Internet gives us truth and
soon the people shall arise

No more rose colored glasses
to hide the world's bloodshed
We now know the truth as to
why Roses are Red.
~ Deidra Lynch

The photos from the Iraq Moratorium, September San Diego and their pledge inspired this poem:

Nationally, this 3rd Friday in September and every 3rd Friday WE have pledged to do SOMETHING, personally and/or communally, to act to end this war. Call, write, post a protest sign, wear a button, attend a Resistance Rally, Sit in, Direct Action, Civil Disobedience - SOMETHING. In San Diego all of these things are being done.

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